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Category: Freshwater Initiative

June 26, 2023
Enhanced regional pond monitoring program underway

An effort to collect comprehensive data on our region's ponds is underway. The Cape Cod Regional Pond Monitoring Program, developed and implemented in collaboration with the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, will collect data from 50 representative Cape Cod ponds every month, seven months per year, for three years, with the hopes of identifying funding to sustain the program into the future.  

May 30, 2023
The Freshwater Initiative: Examining and categorizing management strategies across the region 

Stormwater runoff, development, erosion, invasive species, and septic system discharge impact the health of Cape Cod's 890 ponds. Across the region, management strategies of different types and scales are being implemented to improve water quality and overall pond health.  

April 28, 2023
New technology helps deepen understanding of pollutant flow near ponds

Cape Cod Commission staff are using hydrologic response units to identify at-risk sections of pond buffers, better understand pollutant flow, and develop effective solutions.

April 28, 2023
The Freshwater Initiative: Expanded pond monitoring efforts underway on Cape Cod

A comprehensive pond monitoring program is now underway to gather consistent data from ponds across Cape Cod.   


March 29, 2023
Looking down from above: Exploring remote sensing to better understand our ponds and lakes 

For nearly fifty years, satellites have been orbiting the earth collecting imagery to monitor and study the health of our planet. What if we could use those images to learn more about the health of our ponds and lakes? 

March 29, 2023
Cape Cod Ponds Network: Communication and Outreach Strategies 

The Cape Cod Ponds Network convened for the fourth time in February 2023. Nearly 70 people dedicated to and interested in improving and maintaining the quality of our region's ponds and lakes attended to learn more about communication and outreach efforts ponds groups can take to educate, inform, and engage citizens. 

February 17, 2023
Freshwater Initiative: Developing a regional pond water quality monitoring program

As part of the Freshwater Initiative, the Commission is partnering with the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) to develop a pond water quality monitoring program.

December 22, 2022
Cape Cod Ponds Network members share successes and challenges ahead 

The newly formed Cape Cod Ponds Network, convened for the first time in 2022 in response to growing concern over the health of Cape Cod’s ponds, is a way for those who care about ponds to learn from one another and exchange ideas on topics of regional interest.    

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