Category: Press Releases
During a meeting held on March 21, 2022, the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) released the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment 2 for a…
Updated information to serve as a resource and guide for improving health of ponds and lakes in the region For Immediate Release (March 14, 2022) – The Cape Cod Commission…
The Cape Cod Commission and the Towns of Barnstable and Yarmouth invite members of the public to join a virtual public input session on the Route 28 East Hyannis Corridor Study on Wednesday, March…
Interactive datasets designed to support data-driven decision making The Cape Cod Commission has launched a new Data Cape Cod website that makes complex data and information about the region’s people, places, and economy more accessible.…
During a meeting held on January 24, 2022, the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) released the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment 1 for a 21-day public…
Data to help refine draft priority projects for Falmouth As part of the ongoing Complete Streets prioritization plan efforts in the Town of Falmouth, a new online public survey is available to seek feedback on the Draft…
The Cape Cod Commission and the Town of Falmouth will be holding a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM to discuss the development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan for the Town of Falmouth.…
State funding to support the creation of land-use and zoning best practices for mixed-use development The Cape Cod Commission has received a grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and…
The Cape Cod Commission and the Town of Bourne will be holding a virtual public meeting on December 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM to discuss the development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan for…
Attendees will identify vulnerable roadways and help craft climate-resilient solutions A series of virtual workshops for citizens interested in identifying roadways vulnerable to storm surge and sea level rise will take place…