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AGENDA: Cape Cod Commission Climate Action Subcommittee

Members of the Cape Cod Commission Climate Action Subcommittee may attend and may participate/deliberate at the Cape Cod Climate Initiative Natural Resources/Working Lands Working Group held on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. to be accessed virtually as described below:

Note: The meeting will be held virtually using the “Zoom” meeting platform, with all meeting participants participating remotely, pursuant to Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker’s Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law dated March 12, 2020. 

The public can join the meeting using one of the following methods: 

By clicking on the following zoom meeting link:

Prior to the meeting, participants should follow the instructions on the following link to ensure they have the latest version of ZOOM to fully participate in the meeting:

AGENDA ITEMS FOR CAPE COD CLIMATE INITIATIVE NATURAL RESOURCE/WORKING LANDS WORKING GROUP are replicated below for ease of reference and are also available at the following link:

Welcome and Introductions 

Introduction to the Cape Cod Climate Action Plan Process

Cape Cod Commission staff will provide a brief presentation on the Cape Cod Climate Initiative and the process to develop the Cape Cod Climate Action Plan. 

Adaptation – What We Know Today About Hazards and Vulnerabilities

Cape Cod Commission staff will review risk to existing climate hazards, relative to the Natural Resources and Working Lands working group. The Consensus Building Institute will facilitate discussion amongst working group participants relative to the information presented and any feedback they may have.   

Mitigation – What We Know Today About Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Cape Cod Commission staff will review the results of the regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory, with a focus on the aspects relevant to the Natural Resources and Working Lands working group. The Consensus Building Institute will facilitate discussion amongst working group participants relative to the information presented and any feedback they may have.   

Break (15 minutes)

Developing and Prioritizing Criteria for Climate Action Strategies

The Consensus Building Institute will facilitate discussion amongst working group participants on the criteria, and methods for prioritizing the criteria, that is important in the selection of climate action strategies.  

Public Comment

Next Steps

Cape Cod Commission and Consensus Building Institute Staff will discuss next steps, including expectations of working group members between meetings and a brief overview of the topics for the next meeting. Working group members will have an opportunity to provide any final thoughts or ask questions. 


Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact the Cape Cod Commission at
(508) 362-3828 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting; for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) dial 711.

Caso estas informações sejam necessárias em outro idioma, por favor, contate o Coordenador de Título VI pelo telefone (508) 744-1299 or Para serviços de retransmissão de telecomunicações, disque 711.


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