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Town of Falmouth Municipal Digital Equity Plan released for public comment

Bridging the digital divide for all in Falmouth

The Cape Cod Commission, Town of Falmouth, and Falmouth Broadband Municipal Light Plant (MLP) have released the Draft Town of Falmouth Municipal Digital Equity Plan for a 30-day public review and comment period.

Access to fast, reliable internet service has long been recognized as necessary to work, learn, conduct business, and engage in society—and, therefore, vital to supporting vibrant communities. Individuals, families, and organizations across Cape Cod increasingly rely on high-quality, consistent, and affordable internet access to fully participate in our society, democracy, and economy.

The Town of Falmouth Municipal Digital Equity Plan assesses the digital divide in Falmouth and identifies opportunities to advance digital equity. The plan considers topics such as the availability and affordability of internet service, device access, online safety, and digital skills required for meaningful digital engagement. Developed through a robust community engagement process that sought to prioritize learning from members of the Falmouth community who are most impacted by the digital divide, the plan aims to prepare the town for forthcoming funding opportunities by providing recommendations to guide decision-making, investment, and implementation.

Members of the public are invited to review these documents and provide comments. The draft plan can be found at

Comments may be sent via mail, facsimile, e-mail, or online by April 11, 2025, as follows:

Mailed: Cape Cod Commission Attn: Steven Tupper, Deputy Director
3225 Main Street (Route 6A) | PO Box 226, Barnstable MA 02630-0226

Sent by facsimile (fax) to the attention of Steven Tupper, Deputy Director, FAX: 508-362-3136

Via electronic mail (E-Mail) please put “Falmouth Digital Equity Plan” in the subject line and send to:

Via online public comment form:

Paper copies of the plan will be available at Falmouth Public Library, the Falmouth Senior Center, and Falmouth Town Hall.

This project is funded by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute at the MassTech Collaborative under the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program. Funding was provided by Massachusetts ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds.

For more information, please contact Steven Tupper at 508-744-1232.

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