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OneCape Awards 

This year, the Cape Cod Commission recognized four Cape Codders for their outstanding contributions to the community. We were pleased to honor Dorothy Savarese, Dan Wolf, Senator Susan Moran, and State Representative Sarah Peake.  

A 2023 OneCape award recipient, Dorothy Savarese, former President and CEO of Cape Cod Five and current president of the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative, is a dedicated leader and partner, working to solve some of the region's most critical challenges. Unable to present her with her award in 2023, the Commission was happy to have the opportunity to recognize her at the 2024 Summit.  

Dan Wolf, founder of Cape Air and former Cape and Islands State Senator, has worked diligently to help demonstrate the challenges Cape Cod communities face and advance actions to support a more resilient region. 

"Dorothy and Dan have been incredible partners in the Commission's work and, among their many accomplishments, have come to be widely recognized as tremendous leaders on climate action," said Kristy Senatori, Cape Cod Commission Executive Director.  "They have been with us since the beginning of OneCape and have truly demonstrated outstanding leadership and dedication to Cape Cod.” 

“Dorothy Savarese is a tenacious ambassador for this place locally, at a state level, and at a federal level,” said Dan Wolf. “She is determined, collaborative, intuitive, data-driven, humble, respectful, and fair.” 

“We are here to focus on the critical issues that are facing our community,” said Dorothy Savarese, “and I can’t think of one that Dan Wolf hasn’t made a meaningful contribution to. He has been a thought leader and an incredible supporter.” 

Senator Susan Moran assumed her position representing the Plymouth and Barnstable District during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating tremendous courage and a deep concern for the future of our region. Senator Moran has been a strong partner in the Commission's work, advocating for funding and initiatives, particularly in childcare and broadband, and always supporting efforts to better understand issues from a data-driven perspective.  

State Representative Sarah Peake has fiercely advocated for our region since assuming office to represent the 4th Barnstable District in 2007. She has used her position to elevate the real challenges that our communities experience here on Cape Cod, and among many achievements, she was instrumental in advocating for the creation of the Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund.   

“I want to thank each and every one of you for the partnerships that you've offered me through the years, for speaking the truth to me when I needed to hear hard words, having the courage to say and to do that, and for helping to make Cape Cod, I believe, the most wonderful place in the world to live and helping preserve that for future generations,” said Representative Peake.  

"Senator Moran and Representative Peake have prioritized the Cape Cod community – our families, friends, and neighbors –throughout their careers – embodying our mission to truly keep this special place special," said Kristy Senatori, Cape Cod Commission Executive Director.   

The Cape Cod Commission presents OneCape awards every year, recognizing outstanding individuals and organizations for their leadership and dedication to Cape Cod. Past recipients include Jane Crowley (2023), Florence Seldin (2022), Wendy Northcross (2021), Alan McClennen (2019), Paul Niedzwiecki (2018), Pleasant Bay Alliance (2017), Andrew Gottlieb (2017), Three Bays Preservation (2016) and Sia Karplus (2016). 

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