Initial work underway for 2024 Regional Transportation Plan

Creating a clean, equitable vision for Cape Cod’s transportation future
Every four years, the Cape Cod Commission staff undertakes an update of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), a long-range comprehensive plan that includes all the Cape's modes of transportation. The RTP is the primary means by which federal and state entities allocate funds to the Cape's transportation needs.
The RTP establishes a regional vision and prioritizes infrastructure projects within available funding categories. When planning for the future of Cape Cod’s transportation network, staff considers many factors. Goals aim to improve roadway safety, reduce congestion, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, improve bicycle and pedestrian access, increase access to public transit, and provide equitable transportation options for residents, visitors, and workers.
The 2024 RTP articulates the long-range vision for the future of transportation on Cape Cod, looking ahead to the year 2050. It is a community-driven, performance-based plan that considers the unique challenges and opportunities of the region. The Plan is expected to include strategies to meet Climate Action Plan goals to reduce vehicle miles traveled, support low and no-carbon transportation options, and to accelerate the electrification of the transportation system.
Development of the plan began this fall. Transportation staff attended Hyannis Open Streets on October 16th to share information and start gathering input from residents. Later this fall, staff will review existing conditions and coordinate additional outreach activities.
Work will continue through the winter and spring, with a draft document anticipated for release in May 2023. Following a 21-day public comment period, the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization is anticipated to finalize and endorse the plan in summer 2023.
Community input is a critical part of creating this plan. Preliminary comments are now being accepted. If you have thoughts on the future of transportation needs on Cape Cod, or if you notice areas that present an opportunity for improvement, you are invited to share your initial thoughts online through this Public Comment Form or send an email to
Learn more and view past plans by visiting
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