Cape Cod Commission partners with towns to host virtual workshops on low-lying roads
Climate-resilient conceptual design solutions to be presented for comment and discussion
The Cape Cod Commission will host a series of virtual public meetings in the coming weeks to present conceptual design alternatives created by the Woods Hole Group (WHG) to address vulnerable low-lying roadway segments, bridges, and culverts. Attendees will learn about possible solutions for the identified low lying road segments, discuss traditional, green, and hybrid solutions for each identified road segment including associated cost estimates, and have an opportunity to ask questions about the presented solutions or the overall project.
Cape Cod Commission staff are working with the towns of Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Eastham, Truro, and Wellfleet to examine vulnerabilities in the roadway network and identify adaptation alternatives. The project employs state-of-the-art modeling and community engagement to identify and prioritize low-lying roads to target for coastal resiliency action.
Potential adaptation solutions have been identified for two road segments in each of the participating towns. At the public workshops, WHG will present three conceptual design solutions, ranging from more traditional engineering solutions to green, nature-based approaches, for each of the prioritized road segments.
Virtual workshop attendees will learn about the goals and objectives of the low-lying roads project and potential solutions to address coastal flooding at critical roadways in our communities. The workshops will provide an opportunity to learn about adaptation solutions and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
The schedule for upcoming workshops is as follows:
- Eastham: March 2, 2023 4:00 PM
- Wellfleet: March 9, 2023 2:00 PM
- Bourne: March 22, 2023 3:00 PM
- Barnstable: March 28, 2023 3:30 PM
- Truro: April 12, 2023 4:00 PM
- Brewster: April 27, 2023 6:00 PM
Citizens interested in attending the meeting in their community should use the following link and meeting details: passcode: join; or call in to the workshop at (929) 205-6099, using the Meeting ID 935 5189 6265. Further information on the Low-Lying Roads project can be found by visiting:
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