2024 Cape Cod Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy released for public comment
Envisioning a strong and vibrant Cape Cod
The Cape Cod Commission has released the draft 2024 Cape Cod Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for a 21-day public comment period.
The CEDS is a five-year strategic plan for economic development on Cape Cod. The plan is updated every five years in collaboration with the Barnstable County Economic Development Council (BCEDC) and local and regional stakeholders. It defines an action plan with priority projects to move Cape Cod's economy toward a sustainable future.
The stakeholder process began at an Economic Summit held at the Cape Cod Museum of Art on March 5, and discussions at BCEDC meetings and with focus groups refined the vision, goals, and action plan.
The 2024 CEDS envisions a strong and vibrant Cape Cod: a resilient, inclusive, and diverse year-round community with access to housing options, high-quality business, education, and employment opportunities, and thriving natural resources, building upon the historic and unique characteristics that have drawn people to the region for centuries.
The CEDS contains six goals that focus on housing attainability, community, infrastructure, natural resources, workforce development, and economic diversity and resiliency. It includes targeted key actions to address the region's most pressing economic challenges. The action plan includes incentivizing year-round housing, simplifying appropriate housing development, supporting year-round community activity and civic engagement, providing spaces for organizations and entrepreneurs to pilot ideas, developing and connecting students and workers to educational and training opportunities, identifying and supporting growing industries, investing in water quality and wastewater infrastructure, investing in broadband infrastructure, and advocating for the canal bridges replacement.
The 2024 CEDS also includes the economic context of the region, identification of the region’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities, and an evaluation framework.
Learn more and view the draft document by visiting www.capecodcommission.org/ceds.
Comments will be accepted through Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
Informational and public comment opportunities for the CEDS will be held on the following dates:
- Wednesday, May 22, 2024: In-person meeting; Mary Pat Flynn Conference Room, Barnstable County Complex, 3195 Main Street, Barnstable, 2:00 PM
- Tuesday, May 28, 2024: Virtual public meeting, 5:00 PM
- Friday, May 31, 2024: Virtual public meeting, 11:00 AM
Virtual meetings can be accessed by visiting https://capecodcommission.org/ceds/join or calling in to (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting ID 861 1712 7240.
Written comments may be submitted via online form: https://cccom.link/CEDS-Public-Comment, via email to bcedc@capecod.gov, or by mail to: Cape Cod Commission, PO Box 226, 3225 Main Street, Barnstable, MA 02630.
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