Davis Straits (2016-2017)
The Town of Falmouth requested assistance from the Cape Cod Commission to conduct a planning analysis in the general vicinity of the Davis Straits/Route 28 corridor between Scranton Avenue and Jones Road. This section of Route 28 retains both an area of residential-scale buildings as well as commercial plazas with significant redevelopment potential. The Town anticipated differentiating that segment of Route 28 to give it a unique identity and improve community vitality and economic development outside of the downtown area.
The project and final report included (1) a redevelopment plan for Davis Straits and Worcester Court between Scranton Avenue and Jones Road, including means to encourage mixed-use development, and (2) plans for a Greenway Corridor linking Little Pond with the Teaticket Park.
Olympic Village (2015)
The goal of the Olympic Village RESET Project was to facilitate discussions about the future use of a 31-acre piece of property located on Route 151 (Nathan Ellis Highway) in North Falmouth, and to help the town develop land use alternatives. The project was sponsored by the Town's Board of Selectmen, who were seeking guidance on the economic development opportunities at the site and the viability of alternate land use proposals.
The viability of the future use of the 31-acre site is related to the long-term vision for the surrounding area and its relationship to surrounding uses both at the time of the project and in the future. The Town has a key interest in the future development of this site, retaining a right-of-first-refusal for any future disposition of this property. The project focused on establishing community consensus for options for the 31-acre site and exploring community objectives in the wider context of the North Falmouth area.
Spring Bars Road (2013)
The Town of Falmouth requested technical assistance from the Commission in evaluating proposed development on the Town’s Spring Bars Road property and in the surrounding area. The project evaluated:
- The infrastructure needs and natural resources constraints associated with developing the property for affordable housing;
- The financial viability of the proposed 30-unit affordable housing development on the property; and
- The opportunities and constraints in the larger neighborhood and recommended changes to support the Town’s goals for the Spring Bars Road property.
Heather McElroyhmcelroy@capecodcommission.org
Sarah Korjeffskorjeff@capecodcommission.org
Chloe Schaeferchloe.schaefer@capecodcommission.org
Steven Tupperstupper@capecodcommission.org