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Public Hearing

HEARING: Hyannis Chapter H - Modification


Cape Cod Commission

Chapter H – Town of Barnstable

The Cape Cod Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 3 P.M. to consider the Town of Barnstable’s request to modify the Commission’s “Chapter H” decision, dated April  4, 2019, for the designated Economic Center and Industrial Service and Trade Area in Greater Hyannis, which decision was issued pursuant to Chapter H: Code of Cape Cod Commission Regulations of General Application, as amended.  The modification request is to add “Wholesale” uses to those uses eligible for the revised Development of Regional Impact (DRI) review threshold in the designated Industrial Service and Trade Area established under the Chapter H decision.  At this hearing, the Commission may vote and decide on the modification request, including by adoption of a draft written modification decision presented at the hearing.

Pursuant to Governor Baker’s Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting law dated March 12, 2020, the Cape Cod Commission will hold this continued public hearing by VIRTUAL means, including all members of the Cape Cod Commission participating remotely. Members of the public can access the hearing either by going online to and clicking on “Join Virtual Hearing” or by telephoning (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting ID: 919 4922 5859.  More detailed instructions on accessing the hearing is available at  Anyone wishing to testify orally will be welcome to do so. Written comments can be emailed prior to the hearing to Documents relevant to the modification request are available for review at  


Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact the Cape Cod Commission at (508)362-3828 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting;  for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) dial 711. 

Caso estas informações sejam necessárias em outro idioma, por favor, contate o Coordenador de Título VI pelo telefone (508)744-1299 or Para serviços de retransmissão de telecomunicações, disque 711

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