Cape Cod Ponds Network
Cape Cod Ponds Network at OneCape
Coordinated by APCC and the Cape Cod Commission
The second Cape Cod Pond Network meeting will be held at the eighth annual OneCape Summit on Tuesday, August 2, 2022.
Pond Network participants are encouraged to attend the OneCape Summit (registration information here), but those interested in attending only the Pond Network meeting (a free event) are asked to please register here.
The meeting will be hosted in-person on August 2nd at the Wequassett Resort (2173 Head of the Bay Road, Route 28 Harwich, MA 02645) at 2:30 pm (room location to be determined). The Pond Network meeting agenda will include a presentation and discussion surrounding pond monitoring planning, regional monitoring programs, and public engagement.
We look forward to continuing to build connections and provide resources to support pond groups across the Cape.
Please email Kristin Andres or Tim Pasakarnis if you have any questions.
LINK: Meeting Video