Teaticket Elementary School Recognized for Safe Routes to School
When COVID-19 restrictions moved gym classes outdoors and made sharing equipment off-limits to students, Teaticket Elementary School physical education teacher Carrie Shanahan had to think creatively.
Ms. Shanahan developed a program to teach her elementary school students how to ride a scooter. The program provided a fun and educational activity that could be done outside and allow for social distancing. Each student was assigned their own helmet and scooter and learned skills and safety practices. Using brightly colored cones, Ms. Shanahan created an obstacle course for students to ride through and practice their newly-learned skills. Scooters, helmets, and gloves were all donated by parents, staff, or local organizations.
The program earned Teaticket Elementary School the 2021 Exemplary Program Award for Southeastern Massachusetts from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. The annual Safe Routes to School (SRTS) awards event recognizes SRTS partner schools, community champions, and crossing guards in their efforts to allow and encourage students to safely walk, bike, and roll to school. It helps make Massachusetts a healthier, greener state by fostering strong SRTS initiatives in local neighborhoods and communities.
“The Safe Routes to School Program serves as a great resource for communities statewide to help facilitate pedestrian and bicycle safety,” said Massachusetts Department of Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “Through one-on-one trainings with individual schools, annual flagship events, technical assistance and assessments and changes to infrastructure surrounding schools, the Safe Routes to School initiatives make it easier and safer for families to develop healthy habits and routines.”
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