SAVE THE DATE: One Cape Summit, Feb. 25-26
One Cape: Designing Solutions for Clean Water, the Cape Cod Commission’s second wastewater summit, is scheduled for Feb. 25 and 26. The expanded event will again be held at the Resort and Conference Center in Hyannis.
Last year, 300 attendees participated in the day-long inaugural summit.
Registration is open. Click here to REGISTER.
The One Cape Summit will provide a regional forum to address the issue of water quality planning. Our purpose is to bring together policy makers and stakeholders in an effort to support collaboration in local water quality planning initiatives.
Cape Cod Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis
35 Scudder Avenue
Hyannis, MA 02601
5:15 Registration
6:00 Welcome
- Larry Ballantine, Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative
- Massachusetts State Senator Dan Wolf, Cape and Islands District
6:30 Dinner
7:30 Section 208 Plan Update
Paul Niedzwiecki, Executive Director, Cape Cod Commission
7:45 Martin Suuberg, Commissioner, MassDEP
Johanna Hunter, Acting Director of Surface Water Program, US EPA
Christopher Killian, Vice President, Conservation Law Foundation
8:15 What’s Next: Implementing 208
Moderator: Paul Niedzwiecki, Cape Cod Commission
Panelists: Bethany Card, Assistant Commissioner, MassDEP
Johanna Hunter, US EPA
Christopher Killian, Conservation Law Foundation
Kristy Senatori, Deputy Director, Cape Cod Commission
Erin Perry, Special Projects Coordinator, Cape Cod Commission
9:00 Closing Remarks
Paul Niedzwiecki, Cape Cod Commission
7:15 Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:00 Welcome
- Erin Perry, Special Projects Coordinator, Cape Cod Commission
8:10 VIDEO: “The Watershed”
- Award winning documentary by UnderCurrent Productions that highlights nutrient pollution in our marine waters is affecting residents of Cape Cod.
8:25 Section 208 Plan Update
- Paul Niedzwiecki, Executive Director, Cape Cod Commission
8:45 Gary Moran, Deputy Commissioner, MassDEP
Lynne Hamjian, Deputy Director for Ecosystem Protection, US EPA
9:15 Introduction to Breakout Sessions
9:30 Breakout Sessions (see Breakout Session Handout for schedule)
- Waste Management Agencies
- Watershed Teams
- Monitoring
- Non-nitrogen Issues
- Cost
10:45 Break
11:00 Breakout Sessions (see Breakout Session Handout for schedule)
- Waste Management Agencies
- Watershed Teams
- Monitoring
- Non-nitrogen Issues
- Cost
12:30 Lunch
VIDEO: Sea Level Rise: Changing Cape Cod’s Groundwater
The Association to Preserve Cape Cod’s latest short documentary
1:30 The Environment is our Economy: The Cost of Doing Nothing
Presentation of Cape Cod Commission’s Three Bays Study
- Paul Niedzwiecki, Cape Cod Commission
- Dorothy Savarese, President and CEO, Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
- Wendy Northcross, President and CEO, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce
- Mike Lauf, President and CEO, Cape Cod Healthcare
- Tony Shepley, President and CEO, Shepley Wood Products
- Ed Dewitt, Executive Director, Assoc. to Preserve Cape Cod
- Bob Churchill, Broker-Owner, Buyer Brokers of Cape Cod, Churchill Associates
- Mahesh Ramachandran, Environmental Economist, Cape Cod Commission
3:00 Break
3:15 Christopher Killian, Conservation Law Foundation
3:30 Closing Remarks
Paul Niedzwiecki, Cape Cod Commission
[information updated on this web page on 02/23/15 at 3:30 p.m.]
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