Regulatory Update | January 2025
This Regulatory Update provides a status on projects currently under review by the Cape Cod Commission. Visit for a full overview of our Regulatory program and answers to frequently asked questions.
Captain Bertie’s Way Housing (CCC File No. 25002)
44 Captain Bertie’s Way, Provincetown
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Provincetown Planning Board on January 16, 2025 for a multifamily residential development consisting of 36 units, twenty-six (26) market rate units and ten (10) affordable units (28%), and a below-grade garage for 28 parking spaces. No hearings have been scheduled.
829 Scenic Highway (CCC File No. 24027)
829 Scenic Highway, Bourne
The Cape Cod Commission received a Discretionary Referral from the Bourne Selectboard on January 14, 2025 for a mixed-use residential/commercial development with associated accessory uses and site work. The project is proposed on a +/- 2.1-acre site with sensitive resources present and some history of development. No meetings have been scheduled.
Wychmere Hotel Expansion (CCC File No. 24027)
23 Snow Inn Road, Harwich
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Harwich Planning Department on October 29, 2024. This project proposes to raze the existing hotel and replace it with a new hotel. The replacement will add more the 10,000-sf of floor area. The proposal also includes reconfiguring and improving entrances and making other site upgrades. The hearing period was opened procedurally by a hearing officer on December 30, 2024. A subcommittee hearing is scheduled for February 6, 2025.
Straightway and Hyannisport Water Treatment Facility Improvements (CCC File No. 24029)
228 Straightway, 0 Old School House Rd, 132 Smith Street, Barnstable
The Cape Cod Commission received the Certificate of the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs on the Project’s Final Environmental Impact Report on December 16, 2024. This project proposes various infrastructure improvements to Straightway & Hyannisport Water Treatment Facilities to meet current and future drinking water regulations and improve system resiliency. The proposed improvements include winterizing existing PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) filtration units and increasing well yield, pumping capacity, and treatment capacity. The Applicant submitted DRI Exemption application materials on December 13, 2024. A hearing on the DRI Exemption request will be held by the Cape Cod Commission on January 30, 2025.
Chase Brook Park Restoration (CCC File No. 24024)
261, 275, 281 Route 28, Yarmouth
The Cape Cod Commission received the Certificate of the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs on the Project’s Final Environmental Impact Report on November 29, 2024. This project proposes to connect the existing Chase Brook Park and Mill Creek Park with new pedestrian connections through the former Yankee Village Motel property which resides between them. The Project includes a long-term Land Management Plan with a focus on invasive plant management. The Applicant submitted DRI Exemption application materials on December 16, 2024. A hearing on the DRI Exemption request will be held by the Cape Cod Commission on January 30, 2025.
Barlows Landing Monopole (CCC File No. 24030)
317 Barlows Landing Road, Pocasset
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Bourne Planning Board on November 20, 2024. This project proposes the construction of a 120-foot monopole wireless communications tower with associated ground equipment. The hearing period was opened procedurally by a hearing officer on January 17, 2025. No substantive hearings have been scheduled.
NextGrid Solar Bourne (CCC File No. 23021)
0 Ernest Valeri Road, Bournedale
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Bourne Town Planner on November 20, 2024. This project proposes a 11.32 MW dc ground-mounted solar development with battery storage on a +/- 49.95 acre site. The hearing period was opened procedurally by a hearing officer on January 17, 2025. No substantive hearings have been scheduled.
Cape Cod Gateway Airport (CCC File No. 22033)
480 Barnstable Road, Barnstable
The Cape Cod Commission received the Certificate of the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs on the Project’s Final Environmental Impact Report on November 15, 2024. The Project encompasses various developments at the Cape Cod Airport including extending runway 15-33; modifying taxiways A, B, and D; removing taxiway E; constructing a run-up area and noise wall; and developing new hangars. No hearings have been scheduled.
Wilkens Housing Phase II (CCC File No. 24026)
Wilkens Lane, Hyannis
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Barnstable Building Commissioner on October 10, 2024. This project proposes the construction of a 320-unit multi-family rental community on a +/-15.1-acre parcel, previously disturbed by a sand and gravel operation. As proposed, the project includes five, four-story wood framed residential buildings and associated amenities and infrastructure. A subcommittee hearing was held December 9, 2024 and continued to January 14, 2025 A staff hearing officer continued the January 14, 2025 hearing to January 27, 2025.
Bourne Rotary Storage (CCC File No. 24028)
2 Bourne Rotary, Bourne
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Bourne Planning Board on October 21, 2024. This project proposes the construction of a +/- 14,200-sf storage facility. The project was withdrawn on December 20, 2024.
Evergreen Circle Pickleball (CCC File No. 24023)
51 Evergreen Circle, Mashpee
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Mashpee Planning Board on August 8, 2024. This project proposes the construction of a 37,000 square foot building on a 3.6-acre parcel. The proposed building will house a restaurant, pickleball courts, golf simulators, and locker rooms. The hearing period was opened procedurally by a hearing officer on October 8, 2024. A subcommittee hearing was held October 30, 2024. A continued hearing was held December 2, 2024 and further continued to the meeting of the full Commission on December 19, 2024. The subcommittee held a public meeting on the Project on December 16, 2024 to review a draft decision. The Cape Cod Commission further continued the December 19, 2024 hearing to January 2, 2025. On January 2, 2025, the Cape Cod Commission voted to approve the project, with conditions.
Sandwich Community Health Center (CCC File No. 24020)
85 Route 6A, Sandwich
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Sandwich Board of Appeals on July 29, 2024. This project proposes the construction of a two-story, approximately 20,000-sf building. The building will be used as a community health center, with two dwelling units and associated infrastructure. The hearing period was opened procedurally by a hearing officer on September 27, 2024. A subcommittee hearing was held October 29, 2024.A continued hearing was held on November 21, 2024, during which the subcommittee referred the project to a hearing before the full Commission, which was held on December 5, 2024. On December 5, 2024, the Commission voted to approve the Project, with conditions.
Boxberry Hill ANR (CCC File No. 24022)
0 Boxberry Hill Road, Falmouth
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Falmouth Town Planner on August 5, 2024. The project consists of a division of a 38.32-acre lot into four new lots that range in size from 1.83 +/- acres to 32.67 +/- acres. The division is proposed on a parcel subject to two prior DRI Decisions, dated 1999 and 2000 (see Boxberry Hill Road Subdivision and Yuricich ANR, CCC File Nos. 99001/20006). The Committee on Planning and Regulation held a hearing on the Project on January 2, 2025. On January 30, 2025, the Cape Cod Commission will consider denying the project without prejudice for failure to submit an application.
Long Pond Road Monopole (CCC File No. 24012)
1185 Long Pond Road, Brewster
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Referral from the Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals on June 14, 2024 for a proposed 125-ft wireless communications tower with associated ground equipment at 1185 Long Pond Road in Brewster. The project was withdrawn on August 7, 2024, prior to the hearing period being opened. The same proposal was resubmitted to the Town and the Commission received a new mandatory DRI Referral for the project on August 12, 2024. The hearing period was opened procedurally by hearing officer on October 11, 2024. A subcommittee hearing was held November 12, 2024. A continued hearing was held December 10, 2024 and continued by hearing officer to December 16, 2024. The hearing on December 16, 2024 was continued to the meeting of the full Commission on January 2, 2025. On January 2, 2025, the full Commission voted to approve the project, with conditions.
Pound Pond Flood Mitigation (CCC File No. 22015)
Lower County Road, Dennis
The Commission received the Certificate of the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs on the Project’s Rollover Final Environmental Impact Report on August 29, 2022. The Project proposes to restore Pound Pond at Seaview Park in Dennis to provide water quality and flood plain improvements. The limit of work is approximately 6.0 acres and will include approximately 496 linear feet of stream daylighting, removal of a 30-inch culvert pipe, and a proposed pond with a surface area of approximately 1.1 acres. A staff hearing officer opened the DRI hearing period procedurally on October 13, 2022. The hearing period was extended by mutual agreement to September 1, 2025. No substantive hearings have been scheduled.
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