Regional Policy Plan Update Launches in December
The Cape Cod Commission has started work on the five year update of the Regional Policy Plan (RPP).
Three public hearings will launch the RPP update in December, where an overview of the process and information on how to become a stakeholder in the RPP update will be announced. Regional forums will be scheduled in early next year.
The RPP must include a growth policy for Cape Cod, a policy for coordinating regional and local planning efforts, and regional goals for: fair, affordable housing; job creation; waste disposal; open space; recreation; coastal resources; capital facilities; economic development; historic preservation; and other goals deemed appropriate/important by the Commission.
Hearing Dates
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 4 p.m., Innovation Room, Barnstable County Campus (top of the hill)
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 4 p.m., Chatham Community Center, Main Street, Chatham
Thursday, Dec. 11, 4 p.m., Mashpee Library, Route 151, Mashpee
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