Regional Policy Plan Public Meetings to Take Place in October
The Cape Cod Commission has released the draft Regional Policy Plan (RPP) Update for a 60 day public review and comment period.
The RPP is a requirement of the Commission Act and is intended to provide a coherent set of goals, policies, and standards to guide planning and development on Cape Cod. Updates to the plan are required every five years.
The 2018 RPP provides a path forward for sustainable growth and development and streamlined regulation, addresses critical housing needs, eases the local comprehensive planning process, and provides a framework for coordinated regional capital planning. It is goals-based and context sensitive. It identifies the character areas that are important to defining the region and allows for regional policies and regulations to better respond to and enhance development that complements its surroundings.
You can access the draft online at:
The public is invited to attend meetings scheduled across the region to offer residents a chance to comment on the draft. Feedback from the community has been an important part of the process to develop a plan which meets the needs of Cape communities.
Regional Policy Plan Public Meeting Dates:
October 11, 4:00-6:00, Sandwich Town Hall
October 17, 1:00-3:00, Truro Public Library
October 24, 6:00-8:00, Cape Cod and Islands Association of Realtors, West Yarmouth
Public comment can also be submitted by email ( or sending comments to Cape Cod Commission, PO Box 226, Barnstable, MA 02633
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