OneCape Registration Opens

The Cape Cod Commission has hosted the OneCape Summit annually since 2014. The OneCape Summit will take place on August 16-17, 2018 at the Wequassett Resort in Harwich.
Originally launched to chart the progress of regional water quality planning, it has become a region-wide forum that brings together local elected leaders, municipal staff and appointed board members, industry practitioners and community activists to discuss issues related to the unique environment and economy here on Cape Cod.
Speakers include Alexandra Dunn, EPA Region 1 Administrator; Jay Ash, Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development and Matthew Beaton, Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
This year, the Summit will focus broadly on the importance of environmental, community, and economic resilience in the face of ongoing natural and social change.
Day one: Environment
- Defining Resiliency for Cape Cod
- Local and Regional Progress on Water Quality Initiatives
- Tools for Developing and Evaluating Water Quality Plans and Projects
- Progress in Shared Watersheds – Collaboration across the Region
- Resilient Cape Cod – Environmental and Socio-economic Effects of Coastal Resiliency Strategies
- New Tools to Support Community Decision-Making and Improve Resiliency
- Stormwater Management and MS4
- Preparing for and Adapting to Coastal Hazards
Day two: Economy
- Guiding Development through Regional Vision and Policies
- Promoting Local Economic Development and Activity Center Planning
- Creating Resilient Communities
- Progress on Regional Housing Needs
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
- Tools and Strategies to Influence Local Zoning
To register or view the agenda at a glance please visit
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