Cape Cod Commission Initiates Community Process on Climate

Seeking community feedback to establish a framework for mitigating and adapting to climate change on Cape Cod
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Barnstable, MA – September 11, 2019: The Cape Cod Commission is pleased to announce a series of facilitated sub-regional community meetings scheduled for October 2019 to solicit input on planning priorities, concerns, and barriers to moving climate adaptation and mitigation actions forward throughout the region.
This community-focused, information-based discussion will inform a strategic framework and collaborative approach to address the region’s contributions to and threats from climate change. The meetings are intended for participants from the public and private sectors, non-profits and other interested citizens.
“Working collaboratively is critical to establishing a necessary baseline to measure progress as we work toward climate resilience,” said Commission Executive Director Kristy Senatori. “We are seeking a diverse group of stakeholders to define and shape a Cape Cod Climate Initiative, intended to integrate existing activities and initiate new assessments, outreach, and implementation strategies.”
During the meetings, Commission staff will share information from ongoing coastal resilience and climate related work, including a process for establishing a regional greenhouse gas emissions baseline and progress toward identifying potential locations for electric vehicle charging stations. Staff will discuss new tools available to communities to adapt and respond to the ever-increasing impacts along the coastline.
“As a region, we must take broad action to reduce our contributions to climate change,” said Rich Delaney, president of the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative. “We look forward to working with the Cape Cod Commission and all stakeholders to establish an accurate baseline and to design a framework for climate action.”
Cape Cod faces unique challenges due to its geography and geology, historic connection to the sea, and the number of residences, businesses and critical infrastructure located in its most vulnerable areas. The extent of threats facing the Cape Cod region requires coordinated action and broad community efforts.
The Cape Cod Commission invites participation at one or more of the following community meetings:
- Monday, October 21, 2019 at 9 am, Chatham Community Center, 702 Main Street, Chatham
- Monday, October 21, 2019 at 1 pm, Wellfleet Council on Aging, 715 Old Kings Highway, Wellfleet
- Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 6 pm, Cape Cod and Islands Association of Realtors, 22 Mid Tech Drive, Yarmouth
- Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 10 am, Mashpee Library, 64 Steeple Street, Mashpee
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