New toolkits available to help businesses and nonprofits build resiliency
Strategies tailored to address challenges now and into the future
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected Cape Cod's economy, with small businesses and organizations throughout the region experiencing financial, operational, and workforce impacts. To help business owners and leaders navigate the challenges of the pandemic, the Cape Cod Commission collaborated with Revby, a business consulting and technical assistance firm, to provide a multi-part workshop series and develop recovery and resilience toolkits.
The toolkits offer business owners a suite of strategies tailored to address the challenges facing Cape Cod businesses now and to help businesses plan for resiliency into the future. These toolkits provide guidance across subject areas including risk assessment, business continuity planning, digital strategy, and local and peer networking resources, with the provided guidance generally applicable to disruptions other than the COVID-19 pandemic, such as fires, floods, and cyberattacks. As Cape Cod enters the summer season, business owners and non-profit leaders are invited to take advantage of these resources to both prepare for heightened levels of economic activity this summer and build resilience in the face of potential future businesses disruptions.
In addition to the toolkits, recordings and presentations from the workshop series are available. The workshop series included one focused on the Paycheck Protection Program and other pandemic-relief funding opportunities, as well as industry-specific workshops that introduced the Commission's broader business recovery and resiliency efforts and provided real examples of business resiliency and continuity to help local businesses identify effective pandemic-responsive strategies including digital marketing, eCommerce, and collaboration/networking practices. These workshops addressed recovery and resiliency planning in five heavily impacted business categories on Cape Cod: Food Service & Restaurants; Retail & Product-Based; Accommodations; Arts, Culture & Recreation; and Service-Based. Included strategies may be applicable to businesses and non-profit organizations in other industries.
As Cape Cod enters the summer season, business owners and non-profit leaders are invited to take advantage of these resources to both prepare for heightened levels of economic activity this summer and build resilience in the face of potential future businesses disruptions.
Further information on COVID-19's effects on Cape Cod businesses and organizations, as captured in three surveys, is available online through Data Cape Cod for Survey 1, Survey 2, and Survey 3.
Further information on the Commission's economic resiliency efforts, including recordings of the workshop series and the recovery and resiliency toolkits, is available online at
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