LECTURE: Historic Preservation With Or Without A Local Historic District
While local historic districts are a popular tool for preservation, they are not always successful. Local historical commissions and other local groups interested in protecting historic resources can find far more success through a balanced approach that is unique to their community and based on a wide range of effective tools.
That was among the key points made at a May 23 lecture sponsored by the Cape Cod Commission, Massachusetts Historical Commission and Brewster Historical Commission.
Chris Skelly, Director Of Local Government Programs, Massachusetts Historical Commission, gave a presentation entitled Historic Preservation With Or Without A Local Historic District at at the Brewster Ladies Library.
The presentation explained both regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to historic preservation typically used at the local level.
This lecture highlighted the benefits of a realistic, cooperative, go-slow approach.
Sarah Korjeff, Preservation Specialist at the Cape Cod Commission, gave a second presentation, Recent Preservation Efforts On Cape Cod. A handout highlighting the Cape’s inventory of historic homes provided a town-by-town look at the age of buildings based on town assessing data and those inventoried by the Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System.
Materials from the meeting, including the presentation, are available for download at www.capecodcommission.org/historic
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