Falmouth Complete Streets Online Survey Open
Data to help refine projects to benefit all residents of Falmouth
As part of the ongoing Complete Streets Prioritization Plan efforts in the Town of Falmouth, a new online public survey is available to seek feedback on what types of complete street projects should be prioritized by the town.
Over 200 potential Complete Streets projects were identified through the initial public comment period in January 2021. The online survey for the Falmouth Complete Streets Prioritization Plan will help further refine the most desirable projects to be implemented to benefit all users in Falmouth. The online survey can be found here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FalmouthCompleteStreets. A map of the public comments received to date can be found here: https://cccom.link/FalViewer
A Complete Street provides accommodations for all users including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and persons with disabilities. The Town of Falmouth his currently participating in the MassDOT Complete Streets program and has retained the services of the Cape Cod Commission to develop the prioritization plan. The purpose of this study is to explore transportation improvement alternatives that will reduce conflicts, improve traffic flow, and incorporate multi-modal transportation options in Falmouth while furthering the creation of vibrant, pedestrian and bicycle oriented mixed-use centers throughout the town.
Please consider providing your feedback by Friday July 9, 2021 so the town can move forward with finalizing the Complete Streets Prioritization Plan.
For more information, visit the project website at capecodcommission.org/falmouthcompletestreets or contact Colleen Medeiros, Transportation Engineer at colleen.medeiros@capecodcommission.org.
To take the survey, click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FalmouthCompleteStreets
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