Draft Technical Bulletins released for 30-day comment period
The Cape Cod Commission voted to release drafts of the fourteen Technical Bulletins to the draft 2018 Cape Cod Regional Policy Plan (RPP) for a 30-day public review and comment period at its November 29, 2018 meeting.
The public is invited to comment on the draft Technical Bulletins for the 14 corresponding goals of the 2018 Draft Regional Policy Plan in the issue areas of Capital Facilities and Infrastructure, Coastal Resiliency, Community Design, Cultural Heritage, Economy, Energy, Housing, Ocean Resources, Open Space, Transportation, Waste Management, Water Resources, Wetlands, and Wildlife and Plant Habitat. The bulletins provide the methods and guidance to achieve the goals and objectives defined by the draft RPP. Please visit capecodcommission.org/rppupdate to access the documents.
Written comments will be taken through December 29, 2018 and may be delivered via mail, in person at the Commission offices, or e-mail.
Mailing Address:
Technical Bulletins to the Draft Cape Cod RPP
PO Box 226
Barnstable, MA 02630-0226
Office Address:
3225 Main Street
Barnstable Village, MA 02630
More information on the draft 2018 Regional Policy Plan visit capecodcommission.org/rppupdate
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