December 2020 Regulatory Update
Tractor Supply (CCC File No. 19020)
Bearses & Pitcher’s Ways, Hyannis
At its February 6, 2020 meeting, the full Cape Cod Commission adopted a draft written Development of Regional Impact (DRI) decision and granted DRI approval for the proposed Tractor Supply retail development at the above-referenced property, subject to the Conditions in the decision. The decision is currently under appeal in Land Court.
Substantial Alteration-George H. Phelps House (CCC File No. 20052)
554 Wianno Avenue, Osterville
The Cape Cod Commission received a mandatory DRI referral from the Town of Barnstable for the proposed, Substantial Alteration of a building at the above-referenced property. The building is listed as a contributing structure in a National Register Historic District (Wianno Historic District). The demolition request has been withdrawn from local review and thus has been withdrawn from DRI review.
Victory Drive Solar (CCC File No. 20055)
9 Victory Drive/ 0 Kiah’s Way, Sandwich
The Cape Cod Commission has received a mandatory DRI referral from the Town of Sandwich for a 2.25 +/- megawatt ground-mounted solar array and battery storage development proposed by Lodestar Energy on the above-referenced property owned by the Housing Assistance Corporation. The applicant has submitted a DRI application which is currently under review by staff.
Sandwich Water District ANR Plan (CCC File No. 20061)
295 Service Road, Sandwich
The Sandwich Water District has applied for a DRI Exemption, which would allow for the proposed division of a property that is 30+ acres through endorsement of an Approval Not Required (ANR) plan. The land division would create a new approximately .33 acre parcel that would be conveyed to the District for water supply purposes. The Commission held a hearing and approved the DRI exemption at its meeting on December 17, 2020.
35 Scudder Residential Community (CCC File No. 20065)
35 Scudder Avenue, Hyannis
The applicant, LMC, has submitted a Notice of Intent requesting to enter into a Development Agreement with the Commission to redevelop portions of the property. The property is the currently the site of the Hyannis Resort and Conference Center and Twin Brooks Golf Course. Under the Development Agreement, the applicant would divide the property and redevelop the golf course with a new multifamily residential community that includes 312 rental homes in 13 buildings.
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