Cape Cod Commission Seeking Stakeholders to Contribute to Climate Action Plan
Stakeholders and Organizations to work together to increase environmental and economic resiliency
The Cape Cod Commission is continuing its efforts to address the impacts of climate change in the region. Mitigating the causes of climate change and adapting to its effects on Cape Cod involves regional planning and policy decisions with both environmental and economic considerations.
Stakeholders are being sought to participate in a region-wide effort to identify strategies and contribute to the Cape Cod Climate Action Plan.
Participating organizations are being sought to assist in the process by hosting facilitated focus groups, assisting with survey outreach, and providing expertise and perspective.
Further information on the stakeholder process and call for participating organizations can be found on the Cape Cod Commission’s newly updated Climate Initiative webpage which highlights current and ongoing efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the region.
Cape Cod faces unique challenges due to its geography and geology, historic connection to the sea, and the number of residences, businesses and critical infrastructure located in its most vulnerable areas. The extent of threats facing the Cape Cod region requires coordinated action and broad community efforts.
All interested stakeholders are encouraged to submit a stakeholder interest form:
All interested organizations are encouraged to submit a letter of interest as detailed here:
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