Barnstable Area Regional Trends: Seasonal Homes
The Commission recently released a two-part update to their quarterly economic trends newsletter, BART.
Part one of the Summer Edition looked at seasonal homes on Cape Cod, noting the difference between a tourist-driven and second-homeowner-driven economy. This edition studied changes in the Cape’s seasonal home statistics over time and geographically, emphasizing the economic implications of having a significantly larger population two months of the year.
Part I: Seasonal Homes on the Cape
The second part of BART’s Summer Edition asks, “What does it mean to be a second home community?” The newsletter introduces five “classmates” of Barnstable County, similar in demographics and proximity to recreational attractions, and compares their major economic sectors. It also looks at the Cape’s local economy in depth, including making the Seasonal Homeowner Survey data interactive and easily comparable.
Part II: How do seasonal homeowners affect the local economy?
To visit the BART website, please follow this link:
For questions, please email Dr. Mahesh Ramachandran at
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