2014-2018 CEDS Update Draft Released
The draft five-year update to the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, or CEDS, for Cape Cod was released for public comment May 5, 2014.
It is available for download here:
The Strategy sets goals, priorities, and evaluation requirements for the coming five years. Central to the plan is a set of regional priority projects to be completed over the next five years and a work plan for the Commission’s Economic Development Department over the next year. The plan includes economic and demographic data that continues to be updated for the final draft, as well as the results from the Commission’s January 2014 Economic Survey.
The public comment period will remain open through Friday, May 23, 2014 (date corrected). The CEDS is a five year plan last updated in 2009 under the leadership of the Cape Cod Economic Development Council (CCEDC) and the Cape Cod Commission. It will be submitted for certification by the U.S. Economic Development Administration on June 30, 2014. Prior to submission, it will be reviewed and approved by the Commission and the CCEDC. All public comments will be included in the appendix to the document and changes may be made to the draft in response to public input.
Comments should be sent to Leslie Richardson, Chief Economic Development Officer, at lrichardson@capecodcommission.org, or mailed to her attention to:
Cape Cod Commission
CEDS Draft, c/o Leslie Richardson
P.O. Box 226
Barnstable, MA 02630
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