Town of Yarmouth Growth Incentive Zone (GIZ) Extension
Project Applicant: Town of Yarmouth
Project Description: A request by the Town of Yarmouth to extend the term of its designated Yarmouth Growth Incentive Zone (GIZ) for an additional four years to October 22, 2021; revised Development of Regional Impact review thresholds for said GIZ were adopted by Barnstable County Ordinance 07-08.
Physical project files are available for review at the Cape Cod Commission Office Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact the Front Desk for more information, 508-362-3828.
Project Resources
8K pdf
Aug 24, 2017
2017-08-Yarmouth Growth Incentive Zone-Tracking Chart
GIZ Tracking GIZ Tracking Town of Yarmouth Growth Incentive Zone - Reporting Through July 31, 2017 Motel Name Cape Cod Vacation Condo Trust Hampton Inn (formerly Americana Holiday…
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24K pdf