With 86% of the region’s land already protected or developed, and little developable land left, there is an increasing concern about the future of recreational, agricultural, and institutional lands, which often contribute to the region’s natural and scenic character. The purpose of this group is to consider the existing planning and regulatory environment relative to development pressures and associated impacts on these lands, and identify best practices and opportunities for conservation while balancing development needs.
Meeting Schedule:
Three facilitated 1.5 hour meetings scheduled for January through March 2022.
Project Resources
5M pdf
Mar 31, 2022
Meeting 3-Presentation-Development Pressures
Development Pressures on Agricultural, Recreational, and Institutional Lands S TAKEHOLDER WORKING GROUP M E E T I N G 3 M a r c h 9 , 2 0 2 2 A GENDA ▪ Welcome and Introductions…
11M pdf
Jan 28, 2022
Meeting 1-Presentation-Development Pressures
PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Development Pressures on Agricultural, Recreational, and Institutional Lands STAKEHOLDER WORKING GROUP MEETING 1 January 12, 2022…
3M pdf
Mar 03, 2022
Meeting 2-Presentation-Development Pressures
PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Development Pressures on Agricultural, Recreational, and Institutional Lands STAKEHOLDER WORKING GROUP MEETING 2 February 9, 2022…