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The Cape Cod Commission has been awarded a planning grant funding to develop a Regional Vision Zero Action Plan for Barnstable County through the Federal Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program. The SS4A program is funded by the U.S. DOT under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law / Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act (BIL/IIJA) to subsidize regional initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. Vision Zero is a vision to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries on the nation's roadways. The Vision Zero Action Plan will benefit all 15 towns on Cape Cod. Once the Action Plan is developed, communities and projects identified in the Plan will automatically qualify to apply for a SS4A Implementation Grant.

Vision Zero Action Plan Development

Safe System Approach graphic. Depicts icons related to the following topics: Safer People, Safer Vehicles, Safer Speeds, Safer Roads, and Post Crash Care.

In partnership with local, state and federal stakeholders, and assistance from our consultant, the Commission will develop a Vision Zero Action Plan and High Injury Network for Cape Cod. A Vision Zero Advisory Committee will oversee the development of the Action Plan and provide feedback throughout the process.

Improvements for high crash locations will be identified under the plan to enhance road safety and drastically lower and eventually eliminate traffic fatalities & serious injuries for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motor vehicles, and public transportation. Additionally, safety policies and strategies will be recommended to help reduce fatalities and serious injuries crashes. Once completed, a comprehensive plan will be established that will lead to a safer road network for all our communities and a step closer to our Vision Zero goals.

Major Components of a Vision Zero Action Plan:

  • Leadership Commitment
  • Development of a High-injury crash network
  • Identification of strategies, policies and infrastructure improvements to improve safety
  • Project prioritization and equity considerations
  • Public Outreach

Safe Systems Approach

The Vision Zero Action Plan will follow the US Department of Transportation’s goal of zero roadway deaths using a Safe Systems Approach, which focuses on safer people, safer vehicles, safer speeds, safer roads, and post-crash care.

Vision Zero Advisory Committee

The Vision Zero Advisory Committee (VZAC) will oversee the development of the Vision Zero Action Plan and provide feedback throughout the process. VZAC meetings will be held in a virtual format and will be open to the public. The first VZAC will be held in Summer 2024 (Date/Time TBA).

Member Duties

  • Attend VZAC meetings and share perspectives on transportation safety challenges in the region
  • Help identify potential problem areas and solutions by providing key input and feedback
  • Provide feedback on project deliverables
  • Assist in public engagement
  • Be an advocate and assist in future implementation and tracking progress

List of Committee Members:

  • Colton Atkinson | Mashpee | Bike / Community
  • Leo Blandford | Outer Cape | Equity/Public Health
  • Rob Elfer | Barnstable | Bike / Safety
  • Don Emerson | Eastham | Safety / Transportation Planning
  • Kevin Galligan | Orleans | Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • Brad Goodwin | Regional | Planning / Community
  • Latoya Green | Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe | Public Works / Transportation Planning 
  • Lt. Aram Goshgarian | Harwich Police Department | Safety
  • Katherine Jansen | Falmouth | Bike / Pedestrian
  • Eva Orman | Barnstable County | Older Adult
  • Colleen Pekrul | MassDOT Safe Routes to School - Cape Cod Region Liaison | Schools
  • Sgt. Troy Perry | Barnstable Police Department | Safety
  • Sean Polay | Sandwich | Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee / Bike
  • Deb Shores | Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority | Transit
  • Noah Sheasley | Barnstable | Climate / Environment / Youth
  • Thaddeus Soule | Provincetown | Municipal Planning
  • Alice Thomason Van Oot | Orleans | Bike / Complete Streets
  • Rich Waldo | Orleans | Public Works
  • Jane Ward | Barnstable | Public Health / Bike / Safe Routes to School

Public Outreach

Public outreach will be incorporated throughout the development of the Vision Zero Action Plan and will include a range of opportunities to become involved. Stay tuned for more announcements on public outreach opportunities to be planned for Fall 2024.



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