The Regional Economic Strategy Executive Team (RESET) process is part of the implementation strategy for the Cape Cod Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). RESET is a partnership between the Cape Cod Commission and the Cape Cod Economic Development Council; these partners established RESET to provide targeted, town-specific technical assistance.
The RESET process achieves creative and robust solutions by mixing the ideas of a multidisciplinary team with broad expertise. Commission staff members with policy, planning, regulatory, and technical expertise each bring their unique perspectives and information to the table to provide specific, tangible deliverables — site plans, research reports, land use planning, recommended changes to bylaws, and more — that are tailored to the needs of a specific town client. RESET involves town staff and elected officials (or other client groups) directly and collaboratively in the planning and work environment.
Chloe Schaeferchloe.schaefer@capecodcommission.org
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