Orleans Parking and Circulation Study (2018)
The Town of Orleans requested technical assistance from the Cape Cod Commission to conduct a parking and circulation study of the Orleans Village Center, based on recommendations in the 2015 Route 6A Corridor study. The 2018 study was an update to a 2004 study of downtown parking and circulation, evaluating parking requirements in the town bylaws and further vetting concept plans for redesigning the two gateways at each end of Route 6A. The report suggests six possible next steps for the Town, including parking lot design and signage improvements; Business Improvement District (BID) establishment; parking regulation updates; intersection improvements; creation of new connections, completing sidewalks and crosswalks; and curb cut redesign and elimination.
Orleans Route 6A Corridor RESET Project (2015)
The Town of Orleans Planning Board requested assistance from the Cape Cod Commission in 2015 to complete an initial land use and streetscape evaluation of the Route 6A corridor relative to the land use and economic development goals of the Orleans Local Comprehensive Plan, and to recommend steps to better align town policies and actions with these goals. Commission staff completed site visits, evaluated current zoning, and surveyed and met with business owners operating within the study area. Staff also facilitated two workshops with the Town Planning Board, focused on confirming their vision for the corridor and discussing opportunities for improvement identified by Commission staff.
The Commission presented a set of recommendations in the Final Report. Implementation will require extensive public outreach and consultation, with opportunities for further technical analysis.
Steven Tupperstupper@capecodcommission.org
Sarah Korjeffskorjeff@capecodcommission.org