Long Pond Woodlands Conservation Area, Brewster
Project Applicant: Town of Brewster
Project Location: W.H. Besse Cartway & Long Pond Road (Route 137), Brewster, MA
Project Description: Proposed division of 47 acres for the purpose of conveying 42 acres to the Town of Brewster for conservation, passive recreation and wellfield protection.
Physical project files are available for review at the Cape Cod Commission Office Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact the Front Desk for more information, 508-362-3828.
Project Resources
201K pdf
Oct 16, 2018
2018-10-24-Long Pond Woodlands Brewster-Draft DRI Exemption Decision Attachment
DRI Ex App Long Pond Woodlands Brewster.pdf DRI Ex App Long Pond Woodlands Brewster.pdf Sketch of 47.53 acres for Town of Brewster Open Space CommiĆ©ee, based on: 42.01 acres, per…
48K pdf
114K pdf
Oct 24, 2018
2018-10-24-Long Pond Woodlands Brewster-Watermark Draft-DRI EX decision
Microsoft Word - Watermark Draft 10242018 Long Pond Woodlands Brewster DRI EX decision.docx Microsoft Word - Watermark Draft 10242018 Long Pond Woodlands Brewster DRI EX decision.