- Project: Town of Bourne Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility, Phases 7, 8 and 9 (File No: 20064)
- Project Applicant: Town of Bourne
- Project Location: 201 MacArthur Blvd, Bourne, MA 02535
- Project Description: Proposed development of Phases 7, 8 and 9 of the Town of Bourne Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility
Project Resources
14M pdf
Aug 13, 2021
2021-08-13 Bourne ISWMF-Bourne Supp Submission
1M pdf
Sep 15, 2021
2021-09-01 Bourne ISWMF-Ext Agreement
448K pdf
Sep 24, 2021
2021-09-23 Bourne ISWMF-DRI Decision
Microsoft Word - 2021-09-09 Bourne ISWMF - DRAFT DRI Decision.docx Cape Cod Commission File No. 20064 | Bourne ISWMF Phase 7, 8, 9 | DRI Decision Page 1 of 13 DEVELOPMENT OF…