- Overview
- The Plan
- Submit a Comment
- Outreach Kit
The Town of Bourne is working with the Cape Cod Commission to draft a municipal digital equity plan.
Digital equity efforts seek to ensure everyone has the same access and opportunities to the information technology needed for full participation in society, democracy, and the economy. The focus is on bridging the affordability of internet service and devices, building skills to use programs and equipment, increasing trust, and overcoming language or other barriers that keep individuals from fully participating.
- Presentation: Bourne Community Workshop, Nov. 13, 2023
What Is Digital Equity
“A condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy. Digital equity is necessary for civic and cultural participation, employment, lifelong learning, and access to essential services.”
National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Internet ConnectionAffordable, fast, reliable, accessible. |
DevicesAdequate, needs-appropriate, affordable, accessible. |
Literacy/SkillsAbility to use technology, functionality, trust, privacy concerns. |
This project was funded by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute at the MassTech Collaborative under the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program. Funding was provided by Massachusetts ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds.
LINK: Draft Digital Equity Plan (PDF 3MB)
Purpose of the Digital Equity Plan
Digital equity plans prepare municipalities for future funding opportunities. Through the digital equity planning process, towns can develop strategies in a community-driven framework to ensure all benefit from future investments.
Public input and participation are essential to this process, enabling the town to incorporate and reflect the community's vision when advancing future initiatives and projects.
Plan Elements
- Introduction & Town Vision for Digital Equity
- Current State of Digital Equity
Existing conditions, knowledge gaps, challenges, and opportunities - Stakeholder Engagement Process
Who was engaged and how were they engaged - Objectives & Implementation Strategies
Recommendations for driving solutions - Evaluation and Updates
How will we stay accountable for this work into the future
The Cape Cod Commission and Town of Bourne have released the Draft Town of Bourne Municipal Digital Equity Plan for a 21-day public review and comment period.
The Town of Bourne’s Municipal Digital Equity Plan assesses the digital divide in Bourne and identifies opportunities to advance digital equity. The plan considers the affordability of internet service, access to technology necessary for participation in civic, social, and economic life, and the skills required for meaningful digital engagement. The goal of the plan is to prepare the town for funding opportunities and guide decision-making, investment, and implementation.
Members of the public are invited to review these documents and provide comments. The draft plan can be found at cccom.link/bournede.
Comments may be sent via mail, facsimile, e-mail, or online by March 25th, as follows:
- Mailed:
Cape Cod Commission Attn: Steven Tupper, Deputy Director
3225 Main Street (Route 6A) | PO Box 226
Barnstable MA 02630-0226 - Sent by facsimile (fax) to the attention of Steven Tupper, Deputy Director, FAX: 508-362-3136
- Via electronic mail (E-Mail) please put “Bourne Digital Equity Plan” in the subject line and send to: info@capecodcommission.org
- Via online public comment form: www.capecodcommission.org/de-comments
Copies of the plan will also be available at the Jonathan Bourne Public Library and Town of Bourne Council on Aging.
How to use this toolkit
The following resources are intended to support the Bourne Municipal Digital Equity Plan. Share the text and graphics in your newsletters, website, and/or social media.
Newsletter Copy
Text to copy and paste into your newsletter.
Social Media
In today’s interconnected world, access to technology and the internet isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. The Town of Bourne is working with the Cape Cod Commission to form a municipal digital equity plan. Help identify opportunities to advance digital equity in Bourne: join us at a Community Workshop on November 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM in Room One of the Bourne Veterans Community Center, 239 Main Street, Buzzards Bay. Learn more: https://cccom.link/bourneDE
Help advance digital equity in Bourne. Join the Town of Bourne and the Cape Cod Commission at a community workshop on November 13 at 6:00 PM to help identify opportunities to bridge the digital divide.
Digital Equity Community Workshop
November 13, 2023
6:00 PM
Bourne Veterans Community Center
239 Main Street, Buzzards Bay
Slide - 1920x1080
Use for community access TV carousels, or slide decks.