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The BCCRS is a subcommittee of the Barnstable County Coastal Management Committee (BCCMC), established by a vote of the BCCMC on May 13, 2019, and appointed by the Barnstable County Commissioners in July 2019. The purpose of the BCCRS is to provide local perspective to the BCCMC on coastal resource management issues that Cape Cod communities face.
Initially formed in the mid-1990s to collaborate on coastal resource education and management, what was then called the Barnstable County Coastal Resources Committee met quarterly to talk about dredging, erosion and beach nourishment, stormwater management, and coastal water quality issues. The newly re-formed subcommittee’s mission is to share information and knowledge among the subcommittee members, and to identify and recommend resource management concerns and priorities to the BCCMC and the County Commissioners.
Nina ColemanDirector of Natural Resources/Sandy Neck Park ManagerBarnstable
Stephanie FitchConservation AgentBourne
Chris MillerDirector, Department of Natural ResourcesBrewster
Robert Duncanson, Ph.D.Director, Department of Natural ResourcesChatham
Karen JohnsonDirector, Department of Natural ResourcesDennis
Shana BroganConservation AgentEastham
Jennifer McKayConservation AdministratorFalmouth
Heinz ProftDirector, Department of Natural ResourcesHarwich
Ashley FisherShellfish ConstableMashpee
Tim FamulareConservation AgentProvincetown
David DecontoDirector, Department of Natural ResourcesSandwich
Hillary Greenberg-LemosConservation and Health AgentWellfleet
William BonnettiActing Director, Department of Natural ResourcesYarmouth
Jo Ann Muramoto, Ph.D.MassBays Regional Coordinator for Cape Cod region, APCC
Stephen McKennaAt Large Member, Regional Coordinator, CZM Cape & Islands Region
Donald LiptackAt-Large Member, Ret. NRCS Cape Cod Conservation District contractor
Shannon Hulst, Cape Cod Cooperative