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Community Meeting

Bourne Digital Equity Workshop

AGENDA (Tentative):

  1. Welcome & Meeting Overview. The Town of Bourne and the Cape Cod Commission (Commission) staff will provide context for tonight’s workshop, share details about the hybrid meeting format, and share an overview of the agenda.
  2. Project Overview & “What is Digital Equity.” Commission staff will provide a project overview and describe the components of digital equity.
  3. Existing Conditions Data. Commission staff will present data collected at the beginning of this project to better understand existing conditions in the Town of Bourne related to town demographics and connectivity. This data provides a starting place for a collective understanding of the digital divide in Bourne.
  4. Asset Mapping Exercise. Workshop attendees will participate in an asset mapping activity. This mobile exercise will highlight entities that work in some way to bridge the digital divide within the Town of Bourne.
  5. Community Vision & Goals. Commission staff will facilitate a discussion around community vision and goals for the Municipal Digital Equity Plan.
  6. Barriers & Opportunities Exercises. Workshop attendees will participate in a small table activity to identify barriers related to digital equity and opportunities to bridge the digital divide within the Town of Bourne.
  7. Wrap Up. Commission staff will provide a summary of tonight’s discussion and describe next steps for the project.


Hybrid option

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