AGENDA: Barnstable County Economic Development Council
DATE: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
TIME: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE: Online at, passcode: join
PHONE: Online at, passcode: join
Note: The meeting will be held virtually with members of the Barnstable County Economic Development Council participating remotely, pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, as further amended by Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023.
Members of the public can join the meeting using one of the following methods:
- Join virtually by clicking on the following link:, passcode: join; or
Participants wishing to speak should click the “Raise Hand” icon on the lower toolbar to notify the chair. In some versions of Zoom, "Raise Hand" is under the "More" icon. The chair will recognize participants.
- Call in to (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting ID 954 1874 6894
Phone participants wishing to speak should press *9 to notify the chair. Press * 6 to mute/unmute. The chair will recognize participants.
If joining virtually, please join the meeting at least fifteen minutes before the start of the meeting and email if you have any issues joining.
- Roll Call/Attendance
- Review and Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: 1/15/2025
- Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation Program (“PROTECT”) Grant: Staff will provide an update on two potential federal PROTECT grants for the Cape Cod region that would be submitted by the Cape Cod Commission for planning and design for vulnerable roadway segments throughout the region. Council members will discuss and may vote whether to submit a letter of support for the application.
- Massachusetts Regional Outdoor Recreational Asset Inventory Grant Support Letter: Staff will provide an overview of a potential grant application that would be submitted by the Cape Cod Commission for development of an outdoor recreational asset inventory for Cape Cod. Council members will discuss and may vote whether to submit a letter of support for the application.
- Cape Cod Regional Policy Plan Update: Staff will provide an update on the process to gather input on potential amendments to the Cape Cod Regional Policy Plan (RPP). Staff will solicit input and feedback from Council members on how the RPP could be amended to best suit the current and future economic needs of the region.
- Member Reports: Council members will report on recent economic development activities on Cape Cod, as appropriate.
- New Business: Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair more than 48 hours before the meeting.
- Adjourn
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact the Cape Cod Commission at (508)362-3828 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting; for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) dial 711.
Caso estas informações sejam necessárias em outro idioma, por favor, contate o Coordenador de Título VI pelo telefone (508)744-1299 or Para serviços de retransmissão de telecomunicações, disque 711.