Route 6 Eastham Corridor Study Listening Session, 02/27/2019
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019 at 5 p.m.
Eastham Public Library, 190 Samoset Rd, Eastham, MA
Cape Cod Commission and Town of Eastham staff will be holding two public meetings to discuss the Route 6 Eastham Corridor Study. The first meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the Eastham Public Library, 190 Samoset Rd, Eastham, MA at 5 p.m., will include an overview of project goals and existing conditions, followed by an interactive group discussion. The focus of the meeting will be gathering public feedback on issues, opportunities, and visions for the future of the corridor.
The section of Route 6 from Old Orchard Road to the Wellfleet Town Line was identified as a priority for investigation based on the safety issues experienced on this section of roadway.
This section of road is often congested, with particularly significant back-ups experienced during summer months, and causes a barrier to regional travel as well as access to the numerous businesses along this section of road.
The Cape Cod Commission, under the Unified Planning Work Program, is conducting a transportation planning study for the corridor with the goal of developing context-sensitive improvements that will provide safe and convenient access within the study area for all users of the roadway system including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists.
A second public meeting will be scheduled in the late Spring to discuss identified potential improvement alternatives.
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