Notice of Public Review and Comment Period: FFY 2022-2026 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment 4
During a meeting held on June 27, 2022, the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) released the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment 4 for a 14-day public review and comment period. A copy of the document may be downloaded at
A virtual public meeting of the Cape Cod MPO is scheduled for Monday, July 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM to hear public comments and vote for potential endorsement. More information on this meeting can be found at or by calling 508-362-3828.
The TIP serves as a prioritized listing of roadway, bridge, and transit projects proposed for implementation during the next five (5) federal fiscal years. The FFY 2022-2026 TIP Amendment 4 would increase the funding amount for the shared use path project in Sandwich along the Service Road (from Route 130 to Chase Road) to match the increased project cost estimate of $12,654,822. Amendment 4 also adds $796,728 in funding to FFY2022 for the purchase of transit vehicles through the state’s Mobility Assistance Program.
Comments will be accepted through July 11, 2022 via mail, hand delivery, facsimile (fax), or e-mail.
Mail or hand-deliver comments to:
Cape Cod Commission Transportation Program
Colleen Medeiros, Transportation Program Manager
3225 Main Street (Route 6A)
PO Box 226
Barnstable MA 02630-0226
Send by fax to 508-362-3136 to the attention of Colleen Medeiros, Transportation Program Manager.
Email comments to Please use “TIP” in the subject line.
For more information, visit or contact Colleen Medeiros, Transportation Program Manager at
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