Committee formed to help ensure Cape Cod counts in 2020

Hard-to-count populations focus of September 11 Training
BARNSTABLE, MA -- With less than a year before the 2020 Federal Census, the Cape Cod Commission, Town of Barnstable and Barnstable County have partnered to increase awareness about the importance of responding to the 2020 Federal Census.
A Cape-wide training facilitated by Regional Office of the U.S. Census and staff from the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth is scheduled for 11:00 AM on September 11, 2019 at Barnstable Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis. The training is intended for municipal leaders and staff, along with non-profits connected to hard-to-count populations.
Barnstable Town Manager Mark Ells, County Administrator Jack Yunits, and Commission Executive Director Kristy Senatori serve as co-chairs of the Cape Cod Complete Count Committee, which kicked off during this year’s OneCape Summit, held in July. This volunteer advisory committee represents a broad cross-section of Cape residents and brings together those best suited to reach traditionally hard-to-count populations.
Hard-to-count populations include young children, seniors, snowbirds, racial and ethnic minorities, non-English speakers, those with low incomes, those experiencing homelessness, and those who do not live in traditional housing.
“The importance of a complete and accurate count can't be overstated,” Senatori said. “The Commission depends on data from the Census to better understand who our residents are, and the challenges and opportunities they experience.”
Data collected through the 2020 Census will set more than just population estimates for the next 10 years. It will serve as the basis for elected representation, federal and state funding formulas and program eligibility.
For more information about the Complete Count Committee and the 2020 Census, visit
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