Improving transportation infrastructure across the region
The Cape Cod Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a list of transportation system projects to be implemented with federal and state funds available for Cape Cod. The TIP is developed and approved by the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization, the regional body comprised of local, regional, state, and federal officials charged with overseeing the region's transportation planning process.
Typical projects include reconstruction of existing intersections or roadways, construction of new multi-use paths, and the purchase of new buses to support regional bus service. Projects are designed to address safety and congestion concerns for all transportation modes, including vehicle, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian travel.
The following are updates on some of the TIP-funded projects underway across the region.
Bearse’s Way Shared-Use Path, Barnstable
Work is underway to create a new paved shared-use path along Bearse's Way in Hyannis. A contractor began work in September, and as of early November a swath of land has been cleared along the road to make way for the path. The new path will begin at the Department of Public Works southern driveway and continue northerly on Pitcher's Way, a distance of 0.72 miles. A new signalized pedestrian crosswalk will be installed at the intersection of Bearse’ Way and Enterprise Way and crosswalk upgrades will occur at the Pitcher’s Way and Bearse’s Way intersection.
Harwich Port Sidewalk
This fall, construction began in Harwich for a new sidewalk along Route 28 from Bank Street to the Saquatucket Harbor parking lot. The sidewalk will include curb ramps and crosswalks, and a pedestrian bridge will be installed over an existing culvert near Wychmere Harbor Drive.
Cape Cod Rail Trail Yarmouth – Barnstable Extension
Currently out for bid is a project to extend the Cape Cod Rail Trail from Yarmouth into Barnstable. The approximately four-mile trail project will begin at the current terminus in Yarmouth at Peter Homer Park on Old Townhouse Road and travel westerly to Mary Dunn Road in Barnstable through the Hyannis Ponds Wildlife Management Area. The new length of trail will include a bridge over Willow Street.
Bass River Bridge Replacement, Dennis, Yarmouth
Construction of a new Bass River Bridge is anticipated to begin in 2025. The existing bridge will be demolished and rebuilt one side at a time. During construction, two lanes of traffic will be maintained, and work will be done in the off-season. The new bridge will have longer spans with fewer piers and pilings, improving the overall view, tidal flushing, and general navigation. The new bridge will also include a shared use path on the southern side of the bridge and a sidewalk on the northern side of the bridge. Pedestrian viewing areas will also be included. Reconstruction of the Route 28/Main/Old Main/North Main Street signalized intersection will also take place as part of this project. The project is currently out for bid.
Wellfleet Intersection Improvements
Crews are at work in Wellfleet making upgrades to the busy intersection of Route 6 and Main Street. This project includes a traffic signal upgrade and the installation of bike lanes, sidewalks and a shared use path. Additionally, MassDOT is repaving Route 6 from the Eastham town line to the Main Street intersection to include on-road bike lanes and constructing four new bus stops along the corridor.
Dennis Route 6A Culvert Replacement
A project to replace a series of culverts along Route 6A for the Sesuit Creek in Dennis is underway. Work began this fall. The project is replacing two existing 24" reinforced concrete pipes with new culverts that are resilient to severe storms, require less maintenance, reduce roadway flooding, and allow diadromous fish (like herring) to pass through.
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