Category: Historic Preservation
Women's history on Cape Cod is marked by resilience and leadership, with women playing pivotal roles in shaping the region’s communities since its early settlement. In the 19th century, while many men were away at sea, women managed households, farms, and local businesses, becoming the backbone of Cape Cod’s coastal villages. As educators, abolitionists, and suffragists, Cape Cod women like Mercy Otis Warren and Helen Augusta Crocker advocated for social change. During the 20th century, women continued to lead, from environmental conservation efforts to local politics. Today, women continue to be vital leaders in the region’s civic, cultural, and environmental spheres.
Cape Cod is home to many historic buildings and historic districts in flood hazard areas. Unique challenges exist in developing floodproofing measures consistent with historic resource protection.
Working with the United States Army Corps of Engineers Silver Jackets program, the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, Woods Hole Sea Grant, and several state and local partners, the Cape Cod Commission…
Inspiration for additions, alterations, and new construction within the district Cape Cod Commission staff have drafted illustrated design guidelines to support building changes within the West Harwich Special District (created through…
Sharing ideas to support history throughout the region Members of Cape Cod's historical commissions are regularly convening once again.
A drive down picturesque Route 6A, or the Old King’s Highway, provides a glimpse into Cape Cod’s history.