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Transportation staff provides transportation planning and technical assistance to the Cape communities and region. With expertise in safety, transportation funding, complete streets, land use planning, transit planning, and context-sensitive design, the transportation staff works to promote a safe, reliable, and multi-modal transportation system that meets the diverse needs of the region and its people.

Mashpee Rotary Study

The Mashpee Rotary is a five-leg, major regional transportation node with the intersections of Route 28, Route 151, Great Neck Road North, and Great Neck Road South. The Mashpee Rotary has been identified as a priority for investigation. The rotary is often congested, particularly in the summer months. Along the rotary and its approaches, congestion is a barrier to reliable inter- regional access between the towns of Falmouth and Mashpee to Barnstable and other towns on the eastern portions of Cape Cod. Residents and visitors navigating the rotary may be connecting to various destinations including Hyannis, North Falmouth, New Seabury, nearby retail and community destinations or the limited access highway, Route 6. There are prominent safety concerns in addition to the congestion issues.

Route 28 Cotuit Corridor Study

Route 28 in Barnstable is a major regional east-west transportation corridor on Cape Cod owned and maintained by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation MassDOT. The section of Route 28 from Santuit-Newtown Road to Route 130 was identified as a priority for investigation. This section of road is often congested, particularly in the summer months, and exhibits many safety issues. The purpose of this study was to develop alternatives that will provide safe and convenient access within the study area for all users of the roadway system including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.

Route 28 Eastern Mashpee Corridor Study

The purpose of this study is to develop alternatives that will provide safe and convenient access within the study area for all users of the roadway system including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. The section of Route 28 from Route 130 to Orchard Road in Mashpee was identified as a priority for investigation as it is often congested, has existing safety issues and lacks multimodal accommodations. The Town of Barnstable, Town of Mashpee, and Cape Cod Commission staff worked with community members at public meetings to conduct a detailed analysis of existing conditions to identify issues along the corridor. The report identifies a series of recommendations to improve the safety and operation of the corridor for all users.

Route 28 Centerville-Hyannis Corridor Study

Route 28 in Barnstable is a key east-west travel corridor that provides access into Hyannis, the largest commercial area on Cape Cod. The 2.5-mile section of Route 28 between Old Stage Road and Bearses Way was identified as a priority for investigation based on demonstrated safety and congestion issues and a need to improve accommodation for all users. The purpose of this study is to develop alternatives that will provide safe and convenient access within the study area for all users of the roadway system including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.

Chatham Route 28 Visioning Project

The Town of Chatham requested technical assistance from the Cape Cod Commission to conduct a land use planning study of the Route 28 corridor from the Crowell Road intersection to the Harwich town line to address local concerns about the form and layout of future development along the roadway. The study area included all parcels fronting on Route 28 between Crowell Road and the Harwich town line. The study examined land use and streetscape issues adjacent to the roadway, but excluding the road itself..

Eastham Route 6 Corridor Study

The entire Eastham section of the Route 6 corridor is a four-lane, undivided, federally classified principal arterial roadway with peak season traffic volumes eclipsing 20,000+ vehicles. A key corridor for seasonal and year-round passenger vehicles, emergency responders, freight and multi-modal users, the corridor is an essential link in the transportation network in the region. 

In response to traffic safety concerns raised as part of the District of Critical Planning Concern process, the Town of Eastham requested Cape Cod Commission staff assistance in exploring potential improvements to Route 6. The study focuses on improvements to the 1-mile section of Route 6 from Massasoit Road to Nauset Road (north end). 

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Jan 14, 2021
Falmouth Complete Streets Public Meeting #1 Slides_2021-01-13
Microsoft PowerPoint - FAL-Complete Streets Mtg1 DRAFT.pptx Falmouth Complete Streets Prioritization Plan V i r t u a l P u b l i c I n p u t S e s s i o n W edne s da y J a nua r…
11M pdf
Mar 13, 2025
Final Station Ave Corridor Study Report
Prepared by Cape Cod Commission Staff. Station Avenue Corridor Study FINAL REPORT MARCH 2025 Station Avenue Corridor Planning Study FINAL REPORT | MARCH 2025 CAPE COD COMMISSION…
1M pdf
Jan 10, 2022
FAL-Complete Streets Survey Results
Complete Streets for Falmouth Complete Streets for Falmouth Falmouth Complete Streets Prioritization Plan Public Survey Results July 2021 • An online public survey was released…
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