Project Overview:
In consultation with the Town of Yarmouth, Station Avenue has been identified by Commission Staff as a high priority corridor for a future needs assessment. Station Avenue is a critical north-south transportation route in the Town of Yarmouth that currently experiences regular traffic congestion and lacks safe accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists. Station Avenue provides access to and from Route 6 on the northern end of the corridor and access to Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School to the south. The corridor is host to numerous businesses and a Cape Cod Rail Trail trailhead. The Town is currently undergoing a school expansion project on Station Avenue that is combining the middle schools from Yarmouth and Dennis.
The purpose of the Station Avenue Corridor study is to develop alternatives that will improve safety, provide accommodations for all roadway users, and reduce congestion. This study is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation through the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Unified Planning Work Program as approved by the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization.
A key concern is improving accommodations for all road users including motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. This is a heavily used corridor for non- motorized users looking to access the Cape Cod Rail Trail, schools and various retail destinations from the densely populated neighborhoods surround Station Avenue.
Additionally, the intersection of Station Avenue and White’s Path/Workshop Road is ranked as one of the Top 50 crash locations in the region based on the “Barnstable County High Crash Locations”. A total of crashes of 19 crashes have occurred at this intersection between 2018-2020. A key component of this study will be to conduct a Road Safety Audit for the Station Avenue and White’s Path intersection.
Final Report
Below are links to the final report documenting the Station Avenue Corridor Study. Thank you to everyone who participated in the development of this study and its recommendations.
Public Outreach:
Public outreach was encouraged throughout the study with public meetings held in hybrid format and comments received via email.
December 13, 2023 Public Meeting - Alternatives Discussion (Hybrid Format)
The Cape Cod Commission and Town of Yarmouth held a second hybrid public meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 to discuss and gather public feedback on potential conceptual improvements to the Station Avenue corridor. The draft concepts ranged from signalization or roundabouts, access management, and improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the corridor. The draft concepts seek to improve safety, reduce congestion and improve multi-modal accommodations.
View recording of the December 2023 public meeting below:
January 25, 2023 Public Meeting - Listening Session (Hybrid Format)
A hybrid public input meeting was held on Wednesday, January, 25, 2023 to provide an overview of the study and hear public comment. Feedback from this meeting will be used in the development of potential improvement concepts. Concepts will look to improve safety for all users, reduce congestion and more.
View recording of the January 2023 public meeting below:
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