Since 15 towns completed the Low Lying Roads assessment with the Cape Cod Commission and the Woods Hole Group, it made sense to combine the data into a Cape Wide dataset that can be easily navigated for regional planning efforts.
This tool mimics the look of the individual town viewers, with the ability to see the proposed schematics for the priority road segments. Please note this is still an active project with updates ongoing.
Deb Ricottadeb.ricotta@capecodcommission.org
Anne Reynoldsareynolds@capecodcommission.org
Heather McElroyhmcelroy@capecodcommission.org
Maps & Apps

Low Lying Roads Project

Low Lying Roads: Barnstable

Low Lying Roads: Bourne

Low Lying Roads: Brewster

Low Lying Roads: Chatham

Low Lying Roads: Dennis

Low Lying Roads: Eastham

Low Lying Roads: Falmouth

Low Lying Roads: Harwich

Low Lying Roads: Mashpee

Low Lying Roads: Orleans

Low Lying Roads: Provincetown

Low Lying Roads: Sandwich

Low Lying Roads: Truro

Low Lying Roads: Wellfleet

Low Lying Roads: Yarmouth