Attend a meeting to help improve roadway safety on Cape Cod
Roadway fatalities impact not only those involved in the crash but also families, friends, and the community as a whole. According to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, nearly 30,000 crashes have been reported on Cape Cod’s roadways over the past six years, resulting in 82 fatal crashes and 644 serious injury crashes in the region. Of the 30,000 crashes, 365 crashes involved a pedestrian, with 13 resulting in a fatality, and 474 involved a bicyclist, with one resulting in a fatality.
To address this issue, the Cape Cod Commission is developing a Vision Zero Action Plan for Cape Cod to identify and eliminate fatalities and serious injuries from vehicle crashes for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and drivers. A series of public meetings designed to educate and inform the public about the plan and gather feedback will take place in November.
Join us at an upcoming meeting to learn more about our work to eliminate these tragic events. Attendees will also hear more about the number, location, and reasons behind these crashes and will have an opportunity to provide comments. Those who cannot make a meeting may provide comments using the public comment tool posted on the project website or by emailing the Commission at
Three public meetings are scheduled:
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 5:30 PM
Snow Library, 67 Main Street, Orleans MA
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 6:00 PM
Center for Active Living, 70 Quaker Meetinghouse Road, Sandwich MA
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 5:30 PM
Barnstable Town Hall, 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA
At the conclusion of the project, the Cape Cod Vision Zero Action Plan, will provide a pathway to a safer future and allow for a systematic crash analysis and set of solutions to tackle the root causes of all crashes, emphasizing those involving bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorists. A second series of public meetings will be scheduled in early 2025.
The Action Plan will consider a range of low-cost, high-impact regional strategies such as bike light distribution, updated pedestrian signal equipment, and major infrastructure improvements at key locations. Completing the Action Plan will make all fifteen Cape Cod towns eligible for future Federal Highway Implementation Grants to leverage federal funding to implement strategies.
The Cape Cod Vision Zero Safety Action Plan is funded by the Federal Highway Administration through the Safe Streets for All discretionary grant program. For more information visit the project website or contact: Colleen Medeiros, Cape Cod Commission Transportation Program Manager, at
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