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The Transportation department provides transportation planning and technical assistance to the Cape communities and region. With expertise in safety, transportation funding, complete streets, land use planning, transit planning, and context-sensitive design, the transportation staff works to promote a safe, reliable, and multi-modal transportation system that meets the diverse needs of the region and its people

The Transportation department serves as staff to the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the regional governing body established by federal law to oversee regional transportation planning and recommend the distribution of transportation funds on Cape Cod as well as the Cape Cod MPO advisory group, the Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee (CCJTC). Under the direction of the Cape Cod MPO, transportation staff prepare federal certification documents required to allow use of federal transportation funds in the region including the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), and the Public Participation Plan (PPP).

The Transportation department conducts transportation planning studies and other initiatives in the areas of transportation safety, roadway and traffic conditions, congestion management, bicycle and pedestrian planning, transit planning, and transportation resilience planning.

The public input process is an essential facet of the transportation planning process. It allows people who use roadways daily to share their experiences and views on potential changes. If you would like to share your support for a project to be programmed onto the TIP or included in the UPWP, please email us at MPO and JTC meetings allow for public comments. Click the button below to share your thoughts.

Share Your Thoughts

Watch a video describing the planning process for the Transportation Improvement Program and the Unified Planning Work Program:

Next Meetings

Friday Mar 14, 2025
AGENDA: Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee
Start Time: 8:30 AM
Monday Mar 24, 2025
AGENDA: Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization
Start Time: 1:00 PM
Wednesday Mar 26, 2025
Vision Zero Public Meeting
Start Time: 6:00 PM


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